Analysis Of Journey Woman

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Most importantly, and Geese’s signature technique, we note the metaphor of lifting the mask throughout the performance. In a performance, the mask represents a ‘front’ that offenders present to the outside world. While the mask is down, the character presents external, presenting behaviour. The mask is a metaphor to show coping strategies, defines mechanisms, and may explain their impulses to offend. Ellie presents this when interacting with other characters in Journey Woman. During the performance the audience are encouraged to ask the character to lift their mask. Rebecca Day makes references to this technique in her study Research Report: The experience of ‘Journey Women’ from the perspective of the participants, stating that it “represents the participants’ ‘inner voice’ and thoughts processes, emphasis a particpants’ thoughts, beliefs and values and the affect this has on their behaviour” (Day:2013:4). When Ellie does so, she shows her true emotions and reveal something personal to the audience that she has kept hidden. It allows her to show her worries and vulnerabilities, showing the audience that it is ok to be vulnerable at times in prison. This shows the type of behaviour that the audience are encouraged to adopt; when Ellie lifts her mask she comes to terms with the consequences that her decisions have made and the …show more content…

Diaries were provided to the participants which allowed them to record their thoughts and experience throughout the workshops. We can use these as a way to collect data, allowing us to determine whether Journey Woman was a successful project and also suggesting possible limitations with the process. In Day’s research, she explains that diaries were offered to three separate groups for the full 5 day programme, giving the number of diaries a total of 32 to collect data

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