Summary Of Gail Bederman's Manliness And Civilization

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In Gail Bederman’s Manliness and Civilization, she aims to describe the concepts of manliness and masculinity at the turn of the century. Bederman explains that the concept of what it means to be a man is ever changing as a result of the ideology of the time as well as the material actions of the men. During the Progressive Era, many forces were at work that put pressure on the supremacy of white, middle class men. Some of these forces included the growing move toward empowered women, the unionization of the working class, and the move from self-employment to big, corporate business. She delves into the way that both racism and sexism were used to build up the concept of masculinity and the turn of the century discourse on civilization. Bederman uses an impressive biography technique to effectively argue her case. She uses the lives, writings, and teachings of four …show more content…

Gilman made a huge attempt to, in a way, rewrite history while emphasizing and including the white, civilized woman in the discourse. Bederman uses Gilman’s work to show how she used her race (white) to demonstrate the superiority of the white woman and therefore the need for equality between men and women but completely excluding other races. In effect, labeling her as racist. She writes, “Gilman was merely proposing to replace one type if exclusion with another. White women’s inclusion in civilization, under her scheme, was predicated on the exclusion of nonwhite men and women” (168).
When considering the presidents of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt is almost always associated with ideas of imperialism, progressivism, and masculinity. Bederman uses Roosevelt as the perfect example of manhood and exposes his form of racially dominant manhood. She writes, “for Roosevelt, race and gender, were inextricably intertwined with each other” (214). Evidence of this can be found in her discussion of Roosevelt’s African

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