The Importance Of Science And Nature In Frankenstein

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Which is more powerful science or nature? Author Mary Shelley shows us exactly what could happen when science and nature are pitted against each other in her novel “Frankenstein Or, The Modern Prometheus”. In the novel the life of a scientist named Victor Frankenstein spirals out of control after the death of his mother. He consequently becomes dangerously obsessed with death. His mission becomes to go against nature in order to figure out the science of life. In his journey of giving a “torrent of light into our dark world” (Shelley, 61) Victor Frankenstein is faced with the consequences going against nature. I believe that Mary Shelley was against science that went over the bounds set by nature.
In this novel science and nature are two interconnecting …show more content…

This act fueled his interest in the destructive force of nature. Nature proved to be powerful and this act changed the course of Frankenstein’s life forever. Frankenstein would take this powerful event and try to recreate it in an unnatural scientific way that would haunt his life as a consequence. Even earlier in his life Frankenstein showed interest in science as a way to understand nature. After reading the scientific works of Agrippa, Paracelsus and Albertus Magnus the young Frankenstein comes to the realization that he has “a fervent longing to penetrate the secrets of nature” (41, Shelley). Frankenstein showed great interest towards the secret of life stating that “It was the secrets of heaven and earth that I desired to learn…or the inner spirit of nature and the mysterious soul of man that occupied …show more content…

Through his death Mary Shelley showed that she was against science. Henry Clerval was the best friend and complete opposite of Victor Frankenstein. While Frankenstein was a man devoted to science Clerval was oppositely devoted to Nature. In the book Clerval was the clearest representation of Nature. In fact Frankenstein once described him as a being "formed in the 'very poetry of nature '"(Shelley, 208). Further showing that Shelley is for nature is that Clerval is positively described as “perfectly humane” and “made the doing good the end and aim of his soaring ambition.”(Shelley, 39). Clerval being described as humane shows that nature is what Shelley considers the standard for humanity. Nature is normal and the ideal. The science portrayed in this book never reached any human positively as did nature. Clerval who represents nature is associated with humanity while science leads to the creation of monster. Also Clerval aims to do good therefore Shelley is telling us that she believes that nature is a force that can bring good. Shelley believes that in the end nature knows what was best and will make things right. In the end Frankenstein’s monster kills Henry Clerval in revenge against Frankenstein. In essence a product of science gone wrong killed nature. Once again Shelley shows us that science brings negative consequences. Clerval who did nothing

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