Marriage Between Someone of Low Class and High Class

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According to the dictionary, Hypergamy is any marriage between someone of lower class marrying into someone of a higher class. Another definition says that it is a custom that forbids women from marrying anyone of lower social standing than them. In Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles, this isn’t so much as forbidden as highly desirable, especially for the main character Tess. When the Durbeyfield parents find that they are descended from nobility, they immediately begin to look into the ways that they can regain their social standing as well as the money that came with it. So, it would only make sense for them to send their daughter off to Alec D’Urberville in the hopes that the two would marry. As an added perk to their marriage, Tess and in turn, her family would regain their fortune and Tess would be married off into a higher class.

To say the least, it isn’t always the norm for women in a poor family, or even one of higher class, to marry someone of a lower social class. If at all, the woman would be on equal footing with her husband and their fortunes similar, making no ...

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