The Marlboro Man and Cigarettes

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According to the Webster dictionary advertisement can be defined as, “something that is shown or presented to the public to help sell a product or to make an announcement.” It is also defined as, “a person or thing that shows how good or effective something is.” Both of these definitions help describe the before and after advertisement of the Marlboro cigarette.
Marlboro started out as a woman’s cigarette and then they completely transformed into a man’s cigarette. The cigarette has a red strip on the tip which was consideration as a way to hide woman’s lipstick when they smoked. They got the idea to change their market from woman to men when a man changed his sex to a female. They had to change it from a tea room smoke to a manly cowboy kind of smoke, so they used a cowboy to do this. This was known as the Marlboro man. He even had a special tattoo in some of the ads that made costumers feel like he was dedicated to his smokes. They kept the red tip to attract the woman, but they made the package manlier. The tough packaging alone made people want to buy the cigarette. They used colors for the writing—red, white, and black—which were found to pull in the smoker. This was tested through consumer surveys and the Color Research Institute. Lastly, Marlboro used their image not only on their package, but they also put their logo on things such as clothes, beach towels, and baseball caps. This happened after advertisement of cigarettes was banned. Marlboro cigarettes were able to completely transform their name; however, I’m not sure they should be considered the best.
Twitchell believes that Marlboro would win if there was an award for the perfect campaign, but I don’t believe he has proven this point. Before reading the article, I...

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...te after seeing it at the store when I ran the Color Run. The man in the store made it sound like the best jacket ever, and once he had me feel the inside, I was sold. If he hadn’t made a huge deal about this jacket, I would have never known it existed, and it would not be on my Christmas list.
I could go on forever about products I’ve bought primarily on the advertisement or even just the way the product looks. I’m the type of shopping that is attracted to the prettier packaging, even though it costs an extra five dollars. Advertisements are just a part of our daily lives, but they affect us without us even knowing. During the Super Bowl, we talk during the game and make everyone be quiet during the commercials just to see how amazing the advertisements are that year. Ads will always be in our lives and they will continue to sway our opinion on products, forever.

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