Innocent Juice Essay

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1. Introduction
As a today’s breadwinners company in the fruit juice industry, Innocent company was built in the UK in 1999. Since the aim of the company is providing high quality products for the consumers, it maintain the healthy profits for a long time. As one of the leading competitors in fruit juice market, understanding the market, and adjusting the macro and micro environment situation will be very important. Thus, in this essay, a marketing plan of Innocent drinks for kids will be discussed.

Aim: Maintaining unshakable position of fruit juice industry in Great Britain for a long time.

Marketing Objectives:
1. Increasing awareness of 10000 potential consumers for the Innocent kids drinks by the end of 2015.
2. Raising the total unit …show more content…

Communicating with the first line staff, such as the sale staff in Tesco, within two weeks could be a good way to gain the good knowledge of consumers. Understanding what the unit sales and the needs of consumers would be very important. Since there are lots of opportunities for the first line staff talk to the consumers, and gain the useful information by face to face, holding meetings or set up focus groups between company managers with first line staff would be very …show more content…

However, the main customers of buying the products will be their parents with high purchasing power. What is more, over 33% parents would like to purchase healthy drinks for their kids (Price, 2012). As a result, If Innocent company could provide the healthy and tasty kids drinks in the market and remain the good relationship with parents and children, it could help Innocent company to maintain the market share in children drink industry for a long term.

The gap market
Even though there are several different fruits drink with different flavors have been produced by Innocent company, children might feel boring with the that existing products, and desire other kinds of products. As a result, in order to encourage the kids to keep purchasing Innocent Kids drinks products for a long term, paying more attention on developing Research and development (P&D) would be very essential for the company. It could be predicted that creating new products could attract the users and expand the

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