Essay On Microorganisms

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Introduction Micro-organisms are microscopic (Microorganisms Definition)and can either be prokaryote or eukaryote. Most micro-organisms are unicellular, only a small percentage is multicellular. Micro-organisms encompass a large variety of organisms such as: bacteria, viruses, fungi, archaea etc. (Microorganisms) The first micro-organism was observed by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek around 1673 (Antonie van Leeuwenhoek). Since then, technological advances have enables us to observe and understand micro-organisms in much more detail, it has also allowed us to exploit them for a number of applications. However, many micro-organisms are pathogenic (i.e. disease causing). In this essay I will describe the many benefits on micro-organisms. Carbon Cycle Organic molecules such as proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids are found in all organisms. The removal and subsequent return of carbon from the biosphere is known as the carbon cycle. The carbon cycle begins with a fundamental process known as carbon fixation. This is carried out by producers, (i.e. plants and other autotrophic organisms), and involves the conversion of CO2 to organic molecules through photosynthesis. Organic molecules pass through the different trophic levels of the food, where they are used to make biomass. At different levels, organic molecules mainly in the form of carbon …show more content…

Pollutants come from either industrial or domestic waste. This is waste is dumped into the environment because it’s cheap and convenient. This dumping of waste has a detrimental affect on the environment and the animals that live there. However, micro-organisms found in the soil and aquatic environments have the ability to degrade these waste materials, under optimal microbial growth conditions. (Nester, Anderson, Roberrs, & Nester,

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