Managing Strategic Performance : An Individual 's Psychological Health And Their Performance Related Behaviour

1016 Words3 Pages

21036 – Managing Strategic Performance
A distinct relationship exists between an individual’s psychological health and their performance-related behaviour. Such behaviour is assumed to flow from their attitudes in the workplace (Hutchinson, 2013). Hence to critically evaluate whether an unhappy worker is capable of displaying positive discretionary behaviour, we must first define what discretionary behaviour is by understanding the pseudo-psychology involved in causing voluntary acts. What causes an employee to feel happy or unhappy may be derived from the psychological impacts of work performance, expectations and the surrounding environment. Studying the cause of challenging behaviour in a social context can also contribute to understanding the relationship between the emotional health and how it influences discretionary behaviour.
An individual who performs tasks outside of their duties and responsibilities and what is expected of them without obligation is defined as discretionary behaviour. Both positive and dysfunctional work behaviour is sourced from the underlying motivations and incentives for work. Positive discretionary behaviour is largely referred to as ‘going the extra mile’ (cited in Hutchinson, 2013). Individuals who are committed to the organisation and/or are motivated and/or achieve a high level of job satisfaction generally are more likely to execute positive discretionary behaviour (Job Enjoy, 2015). Situations of positive behaviour include working overtime to complete unfinished tasks, aiding a work colleague by covering shifts or mentoring. Understanding what fosters discretionary behaviour is required to draw connections between an employee’s happiness level and performance. However, as positiv...

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...ance and by breaching the psychological contract and removing the incentives for work, we can expect an employee to feel unhappy and discouraged (Hutchinson, 2013). Both internal and external forces play a role in discretionary behaviour. Organisational injustice causes employees to similarly feel a sense of dissatisfaction and potentially rather damaging behaviours towards co-workers or the organisation itself. Finally, an unhappy worker can be subjected to external sources that cause a low level of happiness. Forces both inside and outside the professional that cause instability in both personal and professional lives of individuals. It is evident that the amalgamation of pseudo-psychological philosophy adds up to conclude that a dissatisfied worker is unable to display positive discretionary behaviour, but rather exhibit a harmful or counter-productive performance.

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