Bruce Tuckman's Four-Stage Model Of Conflict Management: Managing Conflict

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Group Consensus
Managing Conflict Conflict is an inevitable part of interpersonal relations within an organization, where the actions of one individual are perceived to have a negative impact upon the state of another individual. A leader must be prepared to institute steps in the conflict management process in order to progress through a given incident for the betterment of the organization. “Conflict management is the principle that all conflicts cannot be resolved, but learning how to manage conflicts can decrease the odds of nonproductive escalation” (Popovich & Hocenski, 2009, p.15). Although conflict, in general, may seem detrimental to a team, functional conflict is necessary for a properly functioning team. Without functional conflict, …show more content…

According to Redick, Reyna, Schaffer, and Toomey (2014) leading though the different phases require leaders to focus on different items such as establishing objectives in forming stage, reinforcing trust, relationships, and structure in the storming stage, taking a supporting role in the norming stage, and in the performing stage a leader encourages and propels the team past complacency (p. 6).
Another important step to consider in effectively implementing team structures within an organization relates to the developmental stages of these teams. To properly tackle the challenges and objectives assigned, a team must develop a process for cohesively coming together as a functional unit. Marissa Shuffler (2011) details, “the two most prevalent approaches, team training and team building…highlight their contributions to improving teams when designed according to team development science” (p.365). These two processes permit a team to more effectively move through the four stages of development as a group.
High Performing …show more content…

One training approach is the Johari Window, a model that builds a team’s communication and trust. “By explaining the idea of the Johari Window, you can help team members understand the value of self-disclosure, and you can encourage them to give, and accept, constructive feedback” (Mindtools, 2014). In the end an approach such as the Johari Window or other team development functions will help people build more trusting relationships, solve critical issues, and work more effectively as a

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