Management Planning at Boeing

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Assignment: Management Planning Paper

Management Theory Practice and Application

With any company, organization, or corporation the first phase of any management is planning. This phase is very important to any company because many different planning functions and each planning function create a standard for each of its employees to follow. This paper will discuss the planning functions of management while looking at the Boeing Company. While looking at the different planning functions, this paper will also discuss and identify legal, ethical, and social responsibilities that impact Boeing. It will also show some factors that influence Boeings strategic, tactical, operational, and contingency planning. Boeing can be considered the perfect example company to show the many levels of management.

"Boeing is the world’s leading aerospace company and the largest manufacturer of commercial jetliners and military aircraft combined. Additionally, Boeing designs and manufacturers rotorcraft, electronic and defense system, missiles, satellites, launch vehicles and advance information and communication systems" (Boeing 2007 par.1). Boeing is the world’s leading aerospace company because Boeing has one of the best planning strategies around. Because Boeing is one of the largest companies they fully apply all four functions of management, especially the first stage of planning when they set up their strategy to market their products. The Boeing Company has been very careful to make the most of good planning and decision making to reach their full potential and continue to grow bigger than they already are.

Ethical, Legal, & Social Responsibility

One ethical issue that has impacted the Boeing Company in recent years is public saf...

... middle of paper ... of new technology and products from innovation to operational, to productivity growth.


Boeing is a multi-billion dollar corporation which has used every available resource to ensure that it will remain one of the largest and leading aerospace technology producers. As this paper has suggested that Boeing has many factors that go into keeping a company of this size very profitable and the management phase has been critical to the profitability of Boeing. This paper has covered many aspects like legal, ethical, and social responsibilities that effect the Boeing companies strategic, tactical, operational, and contingency planning.


McMurdy, D. (1996). The training game. Maclean’s, p.35. Retrieved March 1, 2008, from Academic Search Premier Database.

Boeing. (2007). Boeing in Brief. Retrieved February 29, 2008 from URL

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