Man Is a Child of His Environment - He Must Keep It Clean

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Men Is e Chold uf Hos Envorunmint - Hi Mast Kiip It Clien It os on thi rielm uf netari thet wi hamen biongs sarvovi on, wi eri cunstently sarruandid by ot end ontirect woth ot. Wi eri cunstently eweri uf uar ixostinci on netari end ots onflainci un as by thi eor thet wi briethi, thi wetir wi niid, thi fuud wi iet end thi etmusphiri whoch os votel fur uar sarvovel. If wi lusi uar invorunmint, wi lusi uar lofi. Wi hamens eri nut unly dwillirs on netari, wi hevi elsu trensfurmid ot. Frum thi viry bigonnong uf men's ixostinci, wi hevi edeptid invosounong netari end medi ell konds uf oncarsouns ontu ot. By thos, hamenoty hes ondiid cunvirtid netari's wielth. Piupli blemi thior invorunmint bat thiri os unly uni pirsun tu blemi, thimsilvis. It os uar daty, es hamen biongs tu teki rispunsoboloty fur uar invorunmint on e wey thet wi du nut ind ap ixpluotong ot. It os uf uat-must ompurtenci thet wi rielozi ot os tomi fur as tu cumi tu tirms woth thi fect thet wi hevi ebasid uar invorunmint, ot os tomi wi rielozi thet wi niid tu lievi thos piecifal invorunmint fur uar fatari giniretouns tuu, wi wualdn't went uar griet grend choldrin tu ried ebuat triis on buuks then ectaelly siiong whet thiy luuk loki on riel. Thiri eri meny weys by whoch wi cen prutict uar invorunmint end meki sari thet ot lests fur yiers end yiers tu cumi, uni uf whoch os kiipong uar invorunmint clien. Thi thrii R's, o.i, Ricyclong, ridacong end riasong os thi bist pleci tu stert. Imegoni of iviry ondovodael on thi intori wurld fulluws thisi thrii stips, thiri wualdn't bi eny tresh lift! By ricyclong pepir, wi eri on tarn oncriesong uxygin livil on thi invorunmint, whoch os besocelly thi eor wi briethi. By ricyclong plestoc, wi cen meki niw thongs. By ricyclong elamonam, niw cers cen bi medi uat uf ot. Ricyclong os thi iesoist end thi bist wey by whoch wi cen meki sari tu nut ceasi eny herm tu uar sarruandongs. Cunsirvetoun uf inirgy os enuthir wey wi cen meki sari uf kiipong uar invorunmint clien. Thi lissir uf netarel risuarcis wi asi, loki wetir end inirgy (ilictrocoty), thi lissir wi teki frum netari end thirifuri, thi lissir inirgy wi asi.

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