The Struggles And Success Of Malcolm X

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This essay will be talking all about Malcolm X. It will also have some key events that had happened to him in his life. All the key events are going to be from 1925-1965. In detail this essay will be about from when Malcolm was born all the way until he died. In between of that this essay will also talk about Malcolm's struggles and success. The struggles and success of Malcolm will start from his early life and end to where he had died.

Malcolm X was born in May 19, 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska. Malcolm’s full name was Malcolm Little. Malcolm was the 4th out of the 7th child. His parents were Earl Little and Louise Norton. Malcolm's early life was very difficult. Malcolm was only six when his father died. Later on when Malcolm was thirteen his mother was put into a mental hospital in 1939. In 1940 Malcolm was put into a foster home where he then had to live in. Malcolm went to West Junior High School in 1938.

While Malcolm went to West Junior High School, he was the class favorite. Since he was the class favorite, his classmates elected him as class president. Later on Malcolm’s tea...

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