Malcolm X

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Malcolm X had many difficult times throughout his life, but he never let that stop him from becoming a human rights activist. Although many didn’t agree with his methods, he still found a way to make people hear about what he believed was true. In Malcolm X’s life change was one of the only things he could rely on because it was always happening. Malcolm X wanted peace among all, and he also just wanted to be free from all the hate that was going on in the world. Malcolm Little aka Malcolm X was born in Omaha Nebraska on May 19, 1925 to his parents Reverend Earl little and Louise Little. He had a total of 8 brothers and sisters from his parents because his dad had three kids with another woman before he met Louise. At an early age he lost …show more content…

When Malcolm hit the eighth grade his English teacher Mr. Ostrowski asked what he would like to do for a career when he was an adult. Malcolm said that he would like to become a lawyer. Mr. Ostrowski’s retort would be burned into Malcolm’s head for eternity. “A lawyer-that’s no realistic goal for a nigger. You need to think about something you can be.” Malcolm left Lansing and went to Boston to live with his sister Ella, because she had gotten custody of him and life in Lansing was unbearable. Malcolm stated “Whatever I have done since then, I have driven myself to become a success at it.” Malcolm was now mad at the world for the hardships it had given him, and he was determined to not let it get in the way of him being what he wanted to …show more content…

Malcolm traveled to Chicago to meet Elijah Muhammad and there, he became assistant minister of Nation of Islam’s Detroit Temple. Suddenly and without warning in 1961, Elijah Muhammad got violently ill. Malcolm does everything that he can to help the situation, but he knew deep down that he liked how the Nation was growing. Little did he know another hardship would be coming his way. People start getting mad and saying that he was trying to take credit for what Elijah was trying to teach and making money off of it. Although he denies all of the allegations, the news gets around and Malcolm states “What astonished me even more- a telegram had been sent to every New York City newspaper and radio and television station.” This would ding his reputation for a long time, because it was everywhere and that makes him go crazy. He was offended at all the remarks, but this would help him reevaluate his views on white people and people of different

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