Main Causes of Why People Become Homelessness

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Homelessness is the condition and social category of people who having no home or permanent place, because they cannot afford or unable to maintain a regular and safe shelter.
There are three main causes why people are homelessness. The first reason is housing. There is increasing evidence that a growing number of homebody in the private rental market are in housing stress. For example, many people pay more than 35 percent of their income on renting house. In addition, some people get a low salary from their job. As the result, they cannot pay to own house. The second reason of homelessness is abused children. Many of the street children escape from home because they were beaten by their parents. Moreover, the breakdown of family and social networks also contributes to homeless children. Additionally, homeless children have a common job to collect recyclable materials and also collecting firewood. Another common job is collecting street vending dyeing. However, some jobs are domestic labour on street children. The final cause is healthy. Homeless people suffer malnourished because they cannot buy the food to eating. Furthermore, most street children have not been vaccinated at all. They usually cannot afford to doctors or medicines. Also, many street children learn to use a number of illegal drugs, such as cocaine and heroin. In summary, housing, abused children and health are important causes of homeless people.
There are three important effects of homeless people. The first negative effect is education. Parents might refuse to register a new school for children because they do not know how long they will be staying in this area. It means that children miss out on schooling altogether. When ...

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...a good choice to change the lifestyle of homeless children and their future. Finally, government determine the factor of solution of homelessness. It is a good way to solve homelessness by government’s laws. Australia government is a good example in this area. They publish white paper on homelessness named “The Rock Home” in December, 2008. This white paper’s primary aims are halving the number of people who are homeless by 2020 and offering supporting accommodations for street sleepers who need it. In conclusion, the solution of homelessness is about three areas. They are housing, children and health.

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