Macbeth Case Study

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Macbeth’s problem that leads to his downfall is not caused by just his ambition. Macbeth’s problems are his wife Lady Macbeth, the witches, over confidence, guilt, and his ambition. Macbeth’s problem is not just his ambition because the audience first meets Macbeth he is brave, courageous, noble hero of Scotland who is happy with his life. But by the end of the play is a ruthless, evil, over confident, ambitious, violent, power hungry man.
Macbeth’s first problem is the witches in Act 1.3. Macbeth and Banqao meet the three witches and learn about the prophecy that Macbeth develops a fixation for. The first witch hails Macbeth as the thane of Glamis, which he is, and he accepts. The second witch hails Macbeth as the Thane of Cawdor; this …show more content…

He tells her that he is now Thane of Cawdor and how the witches predicted it. He also tells Lady Macbeth about the witches predicting that he would become king. Lady Macbeth is powerful and lac humanity from the beginning. Lady Macbeth has fiery ambition to become queen. Lady Macbeth suggests that should murder Duncan right away. Macbeth denies, because he does not have a reason to kill Duncan. Duncan is a great king everyone likes Duncan he is a good king. Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth that he is not a man if he does not commit this crime. A man would kill a real man is violent if he cannot commit this crime he is no man to her “When you durst do it, then you were a man…be so much more the man…” (1.7.49-52). Lady Macbeth is a major problem to Macbeth because if she was not in the picture Macbeth would not have murdered Duncan. Lady Macbeth keeps telling Macbeth that he is not a man if he does not kill Duncan. She is manipulating him into thinking that he has to kill Duncan to prove that he is a man and become king. Lady Macbeth tells him that he will be more of a man than ever after he murders Duncan. Macbeth feels as if a lot is expected of him and that he has to prove himself to his wife that he is a

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