Loyalty in Animal Farm by George Orwell

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Animal Farm is a prime example of devotion and the loyalty that is vital for success. Boxer is a selfless hard-working horse that displays genuine loyalty to the rebellion willing to do anything for the better of his newfound family. Boxer adopts a new personal motto of “I will work harder” static from the beginning of the novel to his death (murder). Boxer is unwavering in his devotion. Even when the windmill is destroyed and it is time for Boxer’s long waited retirement he continues to strive forward and push his body to the max showing loyalty to Napoleon time and time again, reflecting his other motto “Napoleon is always right”. The point of view used throughout the novel is third person omniscient. This allows for an overall perspective that is more objective, which helps the reader to oversee the loyalty that Boxer has toward the pigs who all inclusively decided that they were in control. This serves as a symbol for Russia and the Soviet Union under communist control. Animal Farm displays the loyalty that communism demands. For example, Mao Zedong, A Chinese Communist leader of Peoples Republic of China from 1946 to1976, Mao demanded devotion and loyalty from his country and did not allow any wavering. Using insightful propaganda, Mao in a sense brainwashed his country, one by one. In the end the people of China became extremely loyal to their country and were a display of having allegiance and dedication toward someone; as was boxer toward Napoleon in Animal Farm.
To kill a mockingbird is a heroic display of commitment and loyalty portrayed by Atticus Finch, a father, friend , and firm believer against racial prejudice. Throughout this novel Atticus chooses to defend his friend Tom Robinson against a crime that ...

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...ore to buy ketchup you trust that Heinz will be the best and that you can count on them, you show loyalty to their brand name. Another instance where this illustration can be viewed is in the uprising technology industry. Users have become loyal to their phone, always buying the new update and loyal to their cable distributors, trusting that they are getting the best deal for the pretty penny they are spending. Lastly, many individuals have loyalty to car brands, passing on the name of GMC and Ford from generation to generation. Many dealerships have even begun using this tactic in their sales slogans such as Chevrolet's slogan "See the USA in your Chevrolet" implying that it is longstanding and trustworthy company just like the U.S. and you should be devoted to their products and even proclaim them as the best.
This leads one to the conclusion that loyalty is a

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