Compare The Lovesong Of J Alfred Prufrock And Alnabel Lee

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The Lovesong of J Alfred Prufrock by T.S. Eliot and Annabel Lee by Edgar Allen Poe are two poems that, even though they were written 100 years apart, by very different people, are eerily similar. Many of the same themes are prevalent throughout both poems, mainly the themes of love and death. The poems also utilize many of the same poetical devices. Eliot was known for his surreal landscapes and Poe for his macabre style, but in these poems, both of them focus on the same ideas. The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock is told by Mr. Prufrock himself, as the narrator. This poem explores the dark side of love, and how most of the time, love ends in death. Eliot also explores darkness in nature. The darker side of love is first seen …show more content…

He talks about “there will be time to prepare a face for the faces that you meet,” indicating that most people refuse to be themselves with others, instead relying on masks to make people love them. As for death, the narrator is afraid of it and knows that he must love before he dies. “I have seen the moment of my greatness flicker, and I have seen the Eternal Footman hold my coat and snicker, and in short I was afraid. And was it worth it, after all?” Here, the narrator talks about how he has seen death, and wonders if love was worth all the troubles he has gone through. Likewise, Poe explores the themes of love and death in Anabel Lee by telling the story of a woman, whom he loved, that was killed by a disease. He begins the poem as a fairy tale by saying “many and many a year ago,” which is the equivalent of “once upon a time.” He explains how he fell in love with this woman as a child and loves her even now. In this poem, Poe speaks of an unimaginably deep love, to the point that the narrator sees this woman every time the sun rises and every time the stars come out. He even goes and lays down next to her in her sepulcher at night, because he cannot bear to be away from her. The narrator explains that their love was so deep and pure, …show more content…

The most notable is his repetition of the line “In the rooms the women come and go, talking of Michelangelo,” which is used to enhance the surreal feeling of this poem. Also, his repetition of the words “there will be time” when coupled with the rest of the poem, is a subtle push towards the lesson the author wants us to understand: Don’t put off for tomorrow, what you can get done today. In the second stanza, Eliot uses a metaphor to compare the fog to a cat: “The yellow fog that rubbed its back upon the windowpanes, licked its tongue into the corners of the evening.” Poe also utilizes poetical devices to add to the tone of the poem, and to impact the overall effect of the poem. The main device he uses is repetition and he wields it excellently. The poem is intentionally divided into stanzas with 3 long lines and three short ones. The short lines are always a repetition of the “long e” sound, which adds to the poems mystery, and it’s morose message. Another poetical device Poe uses is rhythm. The rhythm in Annabel Lee is designed like a ghost story; it starts off slow and steady, almost calming, and as the poem progresses, it picks up speed and intensity until the final chilling lines are almost screaming at you. Poe was a master of this sort of style, and it shines through in this

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