Love and Hate in the Poems Havisham and The Laboratory

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The poems Havisham and The Laboratory teach us that love and hatred are two of the most powerful yet contrasting emotions in this world. In both the poems they are 'loving to hate' and 'hating to love'. This means that when love is given it leaves us vulnerable , and if the love is not returned then it can turn to hate as quick as boiling water to steam. For both women in the poem have been rejected from their men mentally and physically, leaving them nothing but pain and the overwhelming desire of revengence. Both poems are written in the first person giving it a dramatic monologue.

The poem; The Laboratory is about a woman who has found out that her husband has been cheating on her with another woman. She goes to the apothecary to get a potion, which will poison the the woman who her husband is cheating with. After all this buying the potion, she discretely gives it to the woman who is cheating on her with her husband. She then goes to dance with the kings to celebrate that the 'cheat' is dead. Finally there is irony here, that she is now dancing with other men making it seem tha...

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