Lord Of The Flies Greed Analysis

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n The Deadly Sin of Greed The sin of greed encompasses the desire for more power and attention than necessary. Greed is not easily satisfied, as portrayed in the novel, The Lord of the Flies, and the television series, Pretty Little Liars and Gossip Girl. In William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, Jack, the novel’s antagonist, exemplifies greed. His appetite for power and complete control consumed him, making him the representation of savagery and inhumanity. Even after he became the leader, it was not enough for Jack. In the television series, Pretty Little Liars, Charlotte DiLaurentis, more commonly known as CeCe Drake, was overwhelmed by her greed as it stemmed from obsession. All CeCe wanted was to be loved …show more content…

While the stories have a different theme, together they touch on the same point. Jack is fueled by his greed for complete control. He does not see who he is hurting along the way to attain an authoritative role. Even though he became leader later on in the novel, his greed was not satisfied as he was not able to control a few of the boys on the island. His greed became his sin. Similarly, all CeCe saw was her greed of being recognized by Alison. She did not care who came in her way and overlooked her sins thinking that her greed was not yet fulfilled. Her greed met no end and the only way she saw that she was obtaining her sister 's attention, was by blackmailing her and her friends. This greedy desire led her to commit her deadly sins of threatening the ones closest to her. Lastly, Dan started out as a loner amongst the popular crowd. In his greed, he started to make his fantasy of being recognized a reality by gossiping about the elite crowd and placing himself amongst them. His greed was not nearly satisfied even when he was recognized by the crowd, who came to be his closest friends. He thought that the more he gossiped the more popular he would become and this lead to his greddy sin. In each case, the sin of greed is defined though the characters desire to be a part of …show more content…

The process of defining the sin of greed involves first to analyze and interpret each source individually, and then to establish the main comparison between all three of them. Together, the sources establish that greed is the sin of excess. The desire of having more of what the characters value most, in this case, self-recognition and supreme control. All three describe a lust that was taken too far, but still was not satisfied. This is one of the effects of holding greed in one’s heart. Greed can be taken too far without knowing where the line was crossed. However, there is a downside to this technique. If the major similarity is established as the definition of the sin, the source that is different in comparison to the others is devalued. When establishing a definition by referring to several different sources, the middle ground between all the sources is taken into consideration the most. From the three sources, some key aspects have to cut out to attain a definition that fits all three sources together, not just one. For instance, Jack from Lord of the Flies greeds for authority and complete control over the rest of the boys on the island. However, in Pretty Little Liars and Gossip Girl, both CeCe and Dan focus more on

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