Analysis of the Movement of Skeletal and Muscular Systems

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Analysis of the Movement of Skeletal and Muscular Systems



The skeletal system forms the rigid framework of the body; it can be

divided into 2 parts, the axial and appendicular skeletons. The

skeletons functions are to support the body, provide protection of the

body’s organs, allow movement and store bone marrow for blood.


(1.1) The AXIAL skeleton forms the core of the skeletal system and

consists of:

· Cranium

· Vertebral column

· Sternum

· Ribs

Cranium: The cranium is a box like cavity containing and protecting

the brain. It consists of interlinking segments of bone which

gradually fuse together during the first few years of life.


Vertebral column: The vertebral column extends from the cranium to the

pelvis, providing a central axis for the body. It is comprised of 33

irregular bones called vertebrae. The vertebral column accounts for

40% of a persons overall height, and is held together by strong,

powerful ligaments. The vertebral column is divided into regions:

· The Cervical region consists of 7 vertebrae to form a flexible

framework for the neck, and support the head.

· The thoracic region consists of 12 vertebrae increasing in size from

top to bottom. They move with the ribs and form the rear of the rib


· The lumbar region supports the body’s weight and consists of 5

vertebrae, which are the largest in the spinal column, and are

attached to many back muscles.

· The sacrum is a triangular vertebra, until around age 26 it consists

of 4 or 5 smaller vertebrae but become fused together. It forms the

back of the pelvis and moves with it.

· The coccyx consists of 3 to 5 fused vertebrae and is attached to

many muscles.


Sternum: The sternum is a flat, elongated bone and lies at the centre

of the chest.

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