The Negative Effects Of Divorce On Children

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The painful, long term effects of divorce on children often lead to unpleasant childhood memories, anxiety, and as well as a difficulty in understanding how relationships work. Divorce is becoming more and more common in America, with the divorce rate averaging around fifty percent an increasing number of children are growing up in single family households. Spouses often times seek a quick solution to help with a troubled marriage, which unfortunately leads to splitting up of families. Children usually don’t have a say when it comes to who they live with or how often they’re aloud to visit a parent. Divorce causes not only changes within a family but directly effects the environment children grow up in. Couples who get a divorce go through various changes that affect their day to day life, these changes also affect the children who have to quickly adapt to a completely different lifestyle. Often times, divorce compels many emotions that affect not only the couple that is separating, but the people around them, especially the children caught in the middle. Children witness firsthand the heartaches surrounded by the splitting up of families. …show more content…

Having two houses to stay at is also an advantage to having divorced parents, but these small advantages do not outweigh the negative effects divorce has on a child. However, sometimes divorce in necessary, if the family environment is hindered because of a marriage then a divorce would be beneficial. Divorce effects the way children grow up, and what may seem as a minor difference in a family, might shape a child’s life more than the parents are aware. A child never forgets the day his or her mommy and daddy didn’t want to be together anymore, creating an entirely new environment for a child to grow up

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