The Importance Of Poetry

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Literature is the effective form of a culture. Poetry encompasses the effectiveness of literature if it didn’t then communication teachers wouldn’t do things like have you look outside the window and write a poem about what you see in class? Poetry helps you step outside the box be more creative it allows you the chance to allow you imagination to. Also spoken word does as well which is another form of poetry that I will discuss later in the essay. Poetry was very relevant during times like ancient Greece .If you mention the names Homer, Shakespeare and Sophocles then you will notice people are mostly familiar with those poets. Although the work they created was long ago they are famous figures in history. Today in the 21st century
And etc. literature was popular throughout society. Everyone knew about literature and they wanted to know about it. More and more poets became known and famous for there work it was growing and it continued to give birth to generation after generation. Although poets and writers are still forming even today in the 21st century its not receiving the same recognition because technology has improved as well. I am a artist and I am one of the 21st century, but my importance in none like Mya Angelo or Langston Hughes. Nobody sees the value, how very sad to see no value in poetry. It may be hard for some to write poetry. It can also be very difficult for many people to understand. The value however is still there. In the early 1800s and so on poetry was a mainstream, but now its diminished. The world diminishes it because technology advances so nobody no longer listens to writers at a spoken word events they go to YouTube and listen to poetry if they are interested and not many are interested if they are than they are then they are considered
There is, in fact, little coverage of poetry or poets in the general press. From 1984 until this year the National Book Awards dropped poetry as a category. Leading critics rarely review it. In fact, virtually no one reviews it except other poets. Almost no popular collections of contemporary poetry are available except those, like the Norton Anthology, targeting an academic audience. It seems, in short, as if the large audience that still exists for quality fiction hardly notices poetry. A reader familiar with the novels of Joyce Carol Oates, John Updike, or John Barth may not even recognize the names of Gwendolyn Brooks, Gary Snyder, and W. D.

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