Literacy In Dyslexia

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Dyslexia term has been coined from Greek and literally means difficulty with words. It refers to difficulty with words read, word split, word pronounced, words written and associated with meaning of words. It becomes a disability if it is unrecognized and the teaching is inappropriate, resulting in the Childs failure to gain competence in literacy.
An article published in The Times Educational Supplement (TES, 1990) about claims by turner (1990) and nine fellow educational psychologist data for eight LEA’s showed that there had been decline in scores on a range of reading tests, they blamed this ‘downward trend’ on the teaching methods used in schools. According to Turner (1995) ‘ a progress’ movement had attempted to influence teacher behavior.
‘If a child does not learn the way you teach then teach him the way he learns’ (Chinn & Ashcraft, 1999)
The International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS)(OECD,2000) assessed literacy by using a questionnaire with a sample of 38,358 in 21 countries. It showed the percentage of the population at the lowest literacy level United States (20.7), United Kingdom (22.6).The Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) provided evidence that 10 year old English school children are rated 3rd out of 35 countries. At national level 20% of children do not achieve the level of reading expected of them at 11 years old. Anxiety is the most common effect that children experience; it causes children to fear reading and writing. Latest research show that 15 to 20% of the population has reading disability ,out of which 85% has dyslexia.,

To overcome the reading disability different methods are used like auditory analysis,phoneme blending,teaching letter-sound association, word build...

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...n view:
1. Research is design in such a way that minimizes the risk to the participants.
2. Consult with the experts and the members of the vulnerable community to determine appropriate strategies.
3. Appropriate use of language
4. CEC’s code of ethics must be followed. CEC (Council of Exceptional Children,1997) developed a formal ethical code that addressed the specific ethics of conducting research with special education populations.
5. Before conducting research explain the nature and purpose of research to participants.
6. Take consent from the parent / guardian before conducting interview with participants.
7. As conducting research in school so before research permission is taken from school officials and community officially by giving written application.
8. Confidentiality of all the data collected during research should be maintained.


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