The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe: The Fantastic World of C.S. Lewis

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What makes some books so well liked that they are read over and over and passed from generation to generation? How is it that a story that was written in 1949 and made into a movie 56 years later is still relevant and interesting enough to get numerous awards? There are qualities that make a book such a great success. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis possesses such qualities and can therefore be qualified as a classic.

One of the reasons that The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe can be considered a classic is that it has many strong universal themes. First of all, it is an allegory of the biblical story of redemption. The story of Christ’s crucifixion that it parallels is a story that outlines the primary themes of betrayal, repentance, forgiveness, sacrifice and love. Edmund, who represents the human race, is tempted by the White Witch (Satan) and betrays his brother and sisters along with all of the good creatures of Narnia by joining the side of the witch. Eventually, the good Narnians rescue Edmund from the hand of the witch and, after having a long t...

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