Stepfamilies Life Cycle Essay

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Life course of Stepfamily Stepfamilies cycle According to Papernow, the stepfamily 's goals is to move from a biological subsystem family with the stepparent as an outsider to a family unified by a strong, cooperative couple (Papernow,1985). While every family move tries through the different life cycle the first family 's ideas cycle is somewhat uncomplicated. The stelfamilies life cycle is a little more complex because they are bringing their live together and all of the baggage from the first family into the new family. The stelfamily cycle portrays the normal development steps that move a Stepfamily from a biological subsystem with stepparents to an integrated family unit. The stefamily cycle identifies seven stages of Stepfamily development. …show more content…

Stepfamilies are one of the fastest growing forms of the family. Australia and United States view stepfamilies as unique and an important form of family the new norm. The official number of stepfamilies is difficult to estimate because the statistics emphasize mostly on family. The United States and Australia view family as unique way of life the new normal. The official number of stepfamilies is very estimate because in the United State and Australia the statistics emphasize mostly on family. United State According to a recent study, 40 to 50% of married couple form a Stepfamily and about 52% currently have a step-relatives(Pew Research Center 2011). Nearly 1,300 new stepfamilies are formed each day. Now the actual n you mbervof stepfamilies is slightly greater than shown however, as stepfamilies cohabit more than marry. According to a Pew Research Center 2011 study cohabiting stepfamilies are also quickly rising. The United States consider more of a non-nucleus society about only 40% of family are "traditional family" and 60% or Arrogantly or single parents

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