Life And Freedom: Film Analysis: Life And Freedom

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The film Life and Freedom looks at two tribes and how they survive with and without the forest. The first tribe, the Sahariyas used to live in the forest and depended on it for their survival. However there was a push for protecting the forest and the tigers so they were removed from the area and it was turned into a national park. Now the people suffer from malnutrition. The other tribe is the Baigas who still live in their forest. They use the forest for medicine, food, clean water, rice and more. Without the forest they would not survive which means they have a responsibility to protect the forest for their own good. This also relates back to the case study of the Dongria Kondh people in the Roy reading (2009). These people are facing the …show more content…

They aim to provide women with the skills and resources to be self-employed and create an income for their family. The main objective is to help women come out of debt. Once a woman has bought material and hired a machine, she does not have a lot of money left and that is when she falls into debt. However, SEWA unifies women together and they support each other. SEWA has also had some added benefits for the women such as women now have more power within their family. Often their husbands do not like them working but once they start contributing to the household income, they like it. Women get more power within the family and are respected more by their husbands because they are contributing to the income. This also relates back to Kerala. Women in Kerala inherit land from their mothers (Jeffry, 2005). This had an effect on women getting more of a voice in society, education for all girls and having more employment opportunities (Jeffry, 2005). When women get the opportunity to have ownership over land or earn an income, it has social effects which has been shown in both Kerala and SEWA. SEWA provides women with a safety net if something happens to them or their family. SEWA also concentrates on educating them how to improve their quality of work. The higher skilled women teach the lower skilled women. This also relates back to Kerala. In the

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