Lesbian and Gay Coparenting

2014 Words5 Pages

As scholars investigate complex family system, the research on how partners work together to parent children increases. Coparenting is a unique component in a family relationship where parents function on a continuum between working together and struggling against each to make parental decisions. Historically, traditional coparenting referred to the collaboration between a man and a woman to raise their children. However, important social changes have led to other forms of coparenting in families.

Parenting for gay and lesbian couples is becoming more common today than ever before. As the United States becomes more accepting of gay and lesbian rights, homosexual couples are building families of their own that include children. Many people believe gay and lesbian couples raising children are not a fit environment for children. However, research suggests child outcomes are the same for gay and lesbian parents and heterosexual parents. Coparenting between gay and lesbian couples does however have it's own characteristics.


Gay and Lesbian families can choose from several paths to become parents. Some families are created when one member of the couple brings children from a previous heterosexual relationship. Most children of same-sex couples are biological children of one of the parents. However, a growing number of children are the result of various processes that now available to couples that include donor insemination, surrogacy, foster care and adoption.

Donor insemination involves a man donating sperm so a woman can be inseminated. Donor insemination can be performed using sperm from someone they know or from a fertility clinic from an anonymous donor. It can be performed within a fertility clinic ...

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...lesbian, gay, and heterosexual couples: Associations with adopted children's outcomes. Child Development, 84(4), 1226-1240.

Linnville, D., O'Neil, M. (n.d.). Same-sex parents and their children. American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. Retrieved from https://www.aamft.org/imis15/Content/Consumer_Updates/Same- sex_Parents_and_Their_ Children.aspx

Rudolph, D. (2012). Milestones in lgbt parenting history. Washinton Blade. Retrieved from


Same-Sex Parenting. (n.d.) Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood in History and Society. Retrieved from http://www.faqs.org/childhood/Re-So/Same-Sex-Parenting.html

Selke, L. A. (n.d.). States that allow gay foster parenting. Global Post. Retrieved from http://everydaylife.globalpost.com/states-allow-gay-foster-parenting-6351.ht.

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