How Did Leonardo Da Vinci Influence The World

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There are many popular artists in the world well known for their style in paintings and artwork. One well-known artist, which is very appealing, is Leonardo Da Vinci. He was one of the best creators and artist. He was born in Vinci, Italy just outside Florence in 1452 on April 15 and then later died at age 67 in Amboise, France, in the year of 1519 May 2. His mother was a peasant woman and his father was a notary. His father took custody of him shortly after his birth, while his mother married someone else. With all the children added up from his two birth parents were a total of 17 half sisters and brothers. Leonardo has long been looked upon as the archetypal Renaissance Man (Richter.) Leonardo Da Vinci was described as a man with “great …show more content…

When his father was working, Leonardo Da Vinci was left alone with nothing much to do. While at home, Leonardo Da Vinci was always exploring and experimenting in the hills around the region and other areas of his household. This would give him time to be with nature by bonding and reflect on his artwork and sculpturing. One of the reasons was because of his childhood environment (Richter.) While he was growing through childhood, around his house were many mountains, trees, and rivers. There were also many animals. This environment gave him the perfect chance to study the surrounding area Leonardo Da Vinci had a powerful mind and was very inquisitive. When Leonardo was a young boy, he was always into flying. He would jump off a barn with wings that he made by himself. You can always tell that he loved to explore nature. One of his favorite items to draw was geometric shape (Vallentin.) Leonardo had never attended public school. He was raised at home by his father. He …show more content…

With all his skills they can use dishes and, architect, a scientist, an inventor, he's gets the first pair issue first helicopter , first aero plane, first tank, first repeating rifle, swinging bridge, paddle boat and first motor car. With all of the intentions she made, he was also able to design machines for war as well. He was one of the first artists to catch and sketch outdoor portraits. Around 18 years old, he painted the Annunciation. In this picture, there are angels. The angel holds a Madonna lily, a symbol of Mary's virginity and of the city of Florence. In 1481, Leonardo Da Vinci painted The Adoration of the Magi. In 1475, Leonardo Da Vinci painted an angel in Verrocchio's Baptism of Christ. One of Leonardo's greatest pieces of art was the Mona Lisa made in1404, which was famous for her mysterious smile. The Mona Lisa is 16th century oil painting. This painting is called Mona Lisa because the painting is from the name of the woman in the portrait, Lisa Gherardini, the wife of a wealthy executive in Florence, Italy named Francesco Del Giocondo (Richter.) The Mona Lisa took Leonardo six years to complete. After he was done the painting, the King of France bought it. Leonardo did not want to part with the portrait, so the King of France let him keep it in his studio until he died (Vallentin.) Another famous painting was The Last Supper, which was painted in 1495. It has become the most famous painting in the

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