Terminally Ill Patients and Physician Assisted Suicide

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Terminally Ill Patients and Physician Assisted Suicide

For hundreds of years a doctor was sworn into practice with the Oath of Hippocrates. Although in the present time parts of the oath have oath has come into question on how they should be interrupted. "To do no harm," the question is what does one consider harm? With our modern technology in medicine our medical community has the ability to prolong a person's life for quite awhile. So the question now is to prolong a person's life that is suffering or basically alive from life support harmful? Or is ending that person's suffering harmful? Death is just another part of life. We are born, we live and then we die. But who is the one that decides when, where and how we die? Another question is ethics and morals, what is the difference between killing someone and letting them die?

Historically, God was thought as the life giver and taker. I was told as a child that when someone died it was because God needed him or her. So are we as mere humans disobeying our Lord by ending a person's life that is suffering? Should ...

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