Pros And Disadvantages Of Decriminalization

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After some thought, choosing the decriminalization model because this is a model compromised between legalization and prohibition. After many years of waging war on drugs, I do not see us really getting anywhere. By placing someone found in possession of more than a week’s supply of any type of drug such as marijuana to cocaine, the person would deal with an accelerated rehabilitative disposition as in a special intervention type program and calling it the mediation group comprised of a lawyer, a doctor and a social worker. This group could recommend treatment as well as present any minor fines. The main lesson to learn from decriminalizing drug doesn’t necessarily lead to disaster, and it does free up resources for more effective responses to drug related problems. Decriminalizing drug addiction would ensure those arrested for drug possession and use could go to rehab instead of a jail term. Rehab might help reduce the amount of jail time, as well as gaining custody or visitation rights to see their children by proving sacrifices are made in these life changes. …show more content…

Taxes along with other fees could be imposed against the drugs just like you see with tobacco and alcohol sales. These taxes could be used to fund drug awareness campaigns and other projects, which could benefit countless communities. HIV infection rates among injecting drug users will reduce at a steady pace and become a manageable problem. The biggest favor to decriminalizing drug use is taken away from those who use violent tactics as part of their role in the drug trade. Quickly ending violence and murder, which often accompanies drug trafficking. The cost of drugs could be lowered, which would ease criminal activity related to drug

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