John C. Jackson: The Nullification Crisis Of Andrew Jackson

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Andrew Jackson was born on March 15, 1767.Before he became the seventh president of United Sate in 1829, he was a national war hero after defeating the British in New Orleans during the War of 1812. And before he was a national war hero, he was a landowner and a lawyer. Jackson became the seventh president after winning the presidential election in 1829. He was known as the “Common Man,” a political leader who worked his way up to the top from the bottom, and given the nickname as “Old Hickory,” because of his toughness and his fiery iron will. During his presidency, he faced three important issues such as the Indian Removal, the abolition of the 2nd National Bank in United States, and of the Nullification Crisis.
Jackson presidency was marked …show more content…

South Carolina has been already upset of the Tariff in 1828 and was discussed, but left aside over the year until Jackson’s term. As president, he faced a threat of secession from South Carolina over the Tariff of Abolitions after he signed another tariffs that were also protectors of nature. The issue was known as the Nullification Crisis that happened in 1832-33. It was a crisis that involved a confrontation between South Carolina and the federal government. The crisis created an open split on the issue occurred between Jackson and Vice President John C. Calhoun. Calhoun was the Vice President in 1832, but were replaced with Martin Van Buren by the Democratic Party and resigned as senator for the South Carolina legislature. It was in November 1832 where the state convention ruled the 1828 and 1832 federal tariffs to be unconstitutional and nullify them. It also ruled that the effective February 1, 1833, the federal government could no longer be able to collect the tariff revenues within the borders of South Carolina. Because of South Carolina’s actions, it shocked the United Sates and infuriated President Jackson. In retaliate to South Carolina’s actions, on December 10, 1832, Jackson denied the right of a state to secede from the union or to nullify federal laws. He threatened to enforce the proclamation with the use of federal arms and would regard it as treason in any act of

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