Style Of Learning Style

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Learning Style and Strategies
Everyone learn something almost every day of their life, it might be learning in you academic, on the job, an additional training or learning to pursuit a hobby or dream, no matter what your learning is for, it is to acquire more new knowledge. The way we approach acquiring this new knowledge by learning is unique to each person based on the individual learning styles. Learning style is explained as different methods or ways a person expand their knowledge by learning new things or materials.
There are many types of learning styles models that has been writing by different people which explain how learner learns something better and faster. The VARK questionnaire by Neil Fleming is one of the many tools that are …show more content…

I believe that everyone will feel comfortable teaching others the way they learn better, if the person is an Aural and verbal learner, they are going to teach most of the materials verbally. For example as a hands on and visual learner I have a little difficulty learning when I have a teacher that is an aural and verbal learner because the teacher will be teaching about eighty to ninety percent of the topic reading from the text book and given examples orally without any visual graphs or picture. The aural and verbal teaching style will be difficult and might not work for student that are strictly visual learners or kinesthetic learners because the student only learn better when the teacher applied maps, charts, graphs, diagrams or videos to their lectures rather than teaching only by reading straight from text books.
As a visual learner it is somehow difficult when a teaching is a verbally or aurally thought. I can only retain a little when I read or hear a lecture because I can easily get bored and my attention will be drifted to something else, but when the material is visually thought, it get my attention, interest and keep me awake to explore the graph and picture which help me to remember the picture and retained

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