The Relationship Between Econometric Theory And Solow Model

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It is easy to draw the following conclusions. Firstly, the OECD countries is much richer than the other two groups as the GDP per capital doubles than non-oil countries. The average GDP per capita is 13131 USD for the OECD countries while only 6589.83 and 5309.77 for the other two groups. Secondly, GDP per capital and saving rate varies a lot among countries, while the population growth rate nearly unchanged. Thirdly, the maximum value of GDP per capita is the same among these three groups. That country is Norway. The saving rate in Norway is 29.1, which is above average, while (n+g+ δ) is 0.057, which is near the minimum value. Just taking the first group for example, the sign of correlation is same as what the Solow model predicts. The figures show that ln(I/Y) is highly correlated with lnGDP but ln(n+g+ δ) are not. After showing the conclusion: the income per capita is higher in a country with higher saving rate while lower in a country with higher (n+g+δ), we want to explore the coefficient of different variables. Thus, the econometric theory and statistic software (STATA) will be used in this test to make empirical analysis. STATA can make the relationship …show more content…

Benhabib & Spiegel (1994) and Krueger & Lindahl (2001) provided evidence to show that a country tend to grow slowly when its educational attainment is very low (all else equal). As a result, educational attainment will be focused. In this part, a new variable called “education” will be added. It is the average years of total schooling from 1960 to 1985 across countries. A regression analysis which is similar to the analysis in the last part will be done to test whether the result is the same as we estimate. Following the analysis of the result, some suggestions will be put

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