The League of Nations

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The League of Nations seemed doomed from the start, by not having the USA at their side; they faced military problems. Likewise, due to the First World War, France and Britain were the only two major powers in the league. In addition, these two powers were depleted both financially and in military power, hence unable to enforce their orders. Furthermore, the failures of the league began from its own covenant. Out of all twenty-six articles in the league’s convent, Article 11 gambled with the league’s status as a peace preserving organisation. Article 11 stated “Any war or threat of war, whether immediately affecting any of the Members of the League or not, is hereby declared a matter of concern to the whole League, and the League shall take any action that may be deemed wise and effectual to safeguard the peace of nations.” (CITE) This gambled with the status of the league. For instance, if a war broke out between two nations, and the victor won, this was directly viewed as a failure on behave of the league. In addition, this deemed true in the following three years after the league has been founded; during the Polish-Lithuanian crises (1920), the invasion of Poland over Russia (1920-21), the invasion of Ruhr in (1923), and the Italian-Albanian crises. Shortly after the construction of the league, it was put through its first test, to examine its level of effectiveness. Before the League of Nations, Russia had occupied Vilna, the capital of Lithuania. However, by the end of the World War, it was re-established. Nonetheless, by 1920, 30% of population was polish, with only 2% of the population being Lithuanians, it was only a matter of time until it was later invaded by Poland. Consequently, Lithuania asked the league to persuade ... ... middle of paper ... ...helped the invasion of Russia in the Russo-Polish War. Later on, one of the primary powers in the League of Nations, France, invaded Ruhr. Instead of preserving the peace, they began their own war by invading Germany’s industrial region, Ruhr. This seemed to the outside nations that the League of Nation broke its own rules and contradicted its self. Lastly, and for most, in 1923 during the Abyssinian crises, the League was unable to enforce its decisions, but changed it for the favor of the Italians the aggressors in the war; which made it lose its credibility to other nations in the world. In hand it was unable to successfully complete its first test in its examination of effectiveness in aiding their first country in need of help, Vilna; but allowed the polish to remain in Lithuania and showed the world how weak power and military wise the league of nation was.

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