Leadership Styles as Applied to JLB Enterprises

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JLB Enterprises finds itself in a situation that will likely get worse if they don’t address it. Research by Murlis and Schubert for Hay Group (2001) concludes that organizations with less satisfied employees are much less productive. This dissatisfaction can lead to a loss in production and can negatively impact the long-term stability of the company. A company that has dissatisfied employees can have a hard time attracting and retaining good workers.
It isn’t known for sure whether the drop in satisfaction and morale are the cause for the drop in productivity at JLB. There is a correlation in timing and, as mentioned, some research points to job satisfaction levels adversely impacting production. The possibility exists that there are other problems that are causing both the drop in morale and the drop in productivity. Some studies have suggested that job satisfaction may not in fact cause organizational commitment, but rather, organizational commitment may precede job satisfaction (Santora, 1992). However, for the purposes of this paper, we will address the problem of job satisfaction and employee morale at JLB regardless of whether it is the sole cause of the productivity problem or just a symptom of another problem.
Now that JLB has identified the problem with worker satisfaction and morale, it must find the causes of this problem. Identifying the problems and creating solutions will require the use of strategies from various leadership theories, including Participative and Situational. With appropriate leadership techniques used in appropriate contexts, the company can work on improving employee satisfaction and morale. According to the research by Murlis and Schubert (2001), the increase in morale will likely have a...

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...tual benefits, they are displaying leadership that is likely to have a positive impact on the employees.

Works Cited

Coutts, L. (n.d.). Leadership in organizations: concepts and theories. EPSI Blog. Retrieved from http://blog.epsi-inc.com/tag/participative-theories/
Hersey, P. & Blanchard, K.H. (1982). Management of organization behavior: utilizing human resources, (4th ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Murlis, H., & Schubert, P. (2001). Engage employees and boost performance: provide great leadership, meaningful work, and other benefits that lead to engaged performance (Working Paper). Retrieved from Hay Group website: http://www.haygroup.com/downloads/us/engaged_performance_120401.pdf
Santora, J.C. (1992). Bass & Stogdill’s Handbook of Leadership: Theory, Research, & Managerial Applications, Third Edition (Book). Journal Of Management. 18(1),153-167.

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