The Authoritarian Style Of Leadership And Democratic Leadership Style

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A key component to leadership is to master skills that one already possesses. The greatest leaders in the world do not necessarily stem from the best universities or some costly academic background. One of the strongest traits a person can have is understanding what their leadership style is. When one understands his or her leadership style this can work strongly to one 's advantage. The goal is to garner the best results with the least amount of effort whenever possible therefore many particulars exist which can add to this equation and understanding one’s personal leadership style is a great place to start. Democratic leadership style is somewhat of a melting pot of various leadership styles and theories. One can often flow easily between leadership styles when necessary and the ability to do so more than reflects an oftentimes successfully run organization. The authoritarian style of leadership for many may seem harsh and extremely cut and dry. However that is not the case. For some people the best way to function is to create a system that works best for their planning ideas and methods. The Authoritarian style of leadership is the best method in this scenario. It allows one to plan in great detail how a scenario should play out and what each person involved should to do to meet the end goal. Perhaps because of the word authoritarian it seems …show more content…

A skill that not every one has. For instance, assigning jobs because a person is nice or funny is a sign of poor delegation skills however people do things such as this everyday within the workforce. Nevertheless delegative leaders is a leadership style that a strong method of working environments when strong skill sets are necessary for instance, first responders work together and may give specific instructions however in many of the scenarios they face requires quick thinking with little time to

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