Leadership Challenges for The Future: Transformational Leadership to Address Change

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Leadership Challenges for the Future In this paper, I will inform you about issues in globalization, power, followership and cultural change in the perspective of a health leader. I will identify three major health issues that are global but has the potential to affect the United States health care system. I will describe these global health issues influence health leaders. I will relate global leadership with transformational leadership. I will illuminate three elements of cultural and diversity within health care organizations. You will find a table of cultural attributes to be made aware of. I will categorize the differences in global leadership according to power, technology, and knowledge management and will explain two leadership approaches for implementing change. Issues in Globalization The globalization of trade is predominantly relevant for health services that have become a commodity that can be traded in distinct ways. Primarily, health services can be provided across countries. Examples of this include a range of telemedicine tools like tele-diagnostics and tele-radiology as well as medical consultation through traditional and electronic methods. Secondly, patients can travel overseas/abroad to obtain health care or use certain facilities available elsewhere (Pang, 2004). Power Power is a leader’s capacity to influence another person or a group of people as well as an organization particular value, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors to mimic their own. Using power to influence these change behavior of often proven to be less difficult than it is to change to beliefs and values. Every health organization has a foundation of values and a belief system. These most often focus on the relationship of the provider and... ... middle of paper ... ... identified three major health issues that are global but has the potential to affect the United States health care system and how they influence health leaders. References: Healthy People 2020. (2013, 11 13). Global Health . Retrieved 4 22, 2014, from Healthy People 2020: http://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topicsobjectives2020/overview.aspx?topicid=16 Küpers, W. (2007). Perspectives on Integrating Leadership and Followership. Retrieved 4 22, 2014, from International Journal of Leadership Studies: http://www.regent.edu/acad/global/publications/ijls/new/vol2iss3/kupers/kupers.htm Ledlow, G., & Coppola, M. N. (2014). Leadership for Health Professionals. Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Learning . Pang, T. (2004, October ). Globalization and Risks to health . Retrieved 4 22, 2014, from National Library of Medicine: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1299207/

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