Effective Leader-Follower Relationship Essay

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Learning to Lead “True leadership cannot be awarded, appointed, or assigned. It comes only from influence, and that can’t be mandated. It must be earned” (Maxwell, 1998, p. 4). Leaders who successfully earn the respect, appreciation, and admiration of their followers unlock opportunities for growth and open doors to greatness that may remain closed and locked otherwise. Great leaders rely on their influence to build and leverage relational equity so that together, the leader and his or her followers can achieve exponentially more than they ever could have as individuals. As much as followers need leaders, leaders also need followers. Pisapia (2009) found that strategic leaders use social influence to engage their followers and move them from simply compliant to fully committed. The interdependent leader-follower relationship is dynamic, symbiotic, and reciprocal; both parties’ roles evolve over time, constantly shifting and adapting to collectively meet the organization’s ever-changing needs (Pisapia, 2009). An effective leader is both leader and follower, as situations demand. Leadership and followership are not opposite ends of the same continuum, but …show more content…

In this brief paper, I will articulate some of the outcomes of my reflection, reading, and research, organized within a framework consisting of two parts. Part one, “Self,” will focus almost exclusively on the application of my learning to my own, personal, leadership journey. Part two, “World,” will focus primarily on the broader application of my learning, concentrating on the how what I have learned affects the way that I perceive and engage with the culture and organization within with I live and

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