Toulmin Argument Analysis

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One of the argumentative styles we are using in this class is the Toulmin argument. The Toulmin argument has six parts: claim, data, warrant, backing, rebuttal and qualifier. The first step is to develop a claim which is what you will be arguing. In this section you use your thesis statement, this specifies the purpose of your article. For example “Gambling should be legalized because there is a demand for it, fans will become more involved and it will help our economy.” The writer needs to have a strong claim to set his/her essay into action. After the claim comes data and the evidence to back up your argument. The evidence could be stats, graphs or statements supporting you claim. “In the United States it is estimated five-hundred billion …show more content…

Although evidence from other authors is important, it is essential to have the paper be for the most part your own thoughts. Quotes, summaries and paraphrases all need to be used properly in order for your essay to be the best it can be. A quote is a word-for-word statement from another author. When a writer wants to use a quote they must have quotation marks indicating a quote and a citation to give the author of the statement credit. When a writer paraphrases, he takes a quote and changes it into his own words. A quote and paraphrase are both taking idea from the original author but a paraphrase is in the words of the writer. A summary is when the writer changes a paragraph or large section of an author’s article and puts it into his own words. Similar to a paraphrase, a summary is just a larger portion of the article. In the article I read, I took a quote from the third paragraph on page 437, “Because of the unpredictability of competition results, sports events have always been an attractive medium for betting” (Connaughton, et al., 437). My paraphrase: Betting on sports as always drawn in gamblers because of the uncertainty and different factors that go into winning and losing (Connaughton, et al., 437). My summary from the same article: Over the years, wagering on sports has become an increased hobby to have fun and make money, but little research has been done in sport management literature. Conlisk’s (1993) idea on the value of sports betting led to a model of demand for sport gambling based on the economic means that people play for. In this study, we have examined the model and found the experiment helped to find sports gambling purposes. We have found gambling consumers are motivated by different factors including market variables. We have used the model constructed to view draw-to-draw sales of the Shengfu game, a popular sports lottery in China. Analyses over time showed:

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