Persuasive Essay On The Dawes Act

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There have been many controversial laws passed throughout American history that have been a source of outrage across the nation, but one of the arguably most controversial acts made into law is known as the Dawes Act. During the time that this Act was considered by the American government, racial tensions were high against the American people and the Native Americans due to the hunger for land preoccupied by the Natives. Senator Henry Dawes proposed a bill that he and his supporters believed would help reduce tensions and assimilate the supposed savages into what was believed to be a more civilized way of life. The proposed solution was to dissolve the Indian reservations and divide the land among the Indians to give them a way to provide …show more content…

The Native Americans were still seen as a less civilized race, but those against the Act believed that the Indians could become civilized without any guidance. Not to mention that the land given to the natives would more often than not be selected for them, many of the land that was allotted was poor land that made farming next to impossible. The best land would go to the more civilized of the two races or the one with the most wealth. Despite the Indians receiving poor land, there were many occasions where Indians were tricked out of their land allotment before the government would release their title to them. Any land that was gifted to the Natives was either stolen from them or poor quality, the Dawes Act seemed to be more in the White settlers’ interest than the intended party. The Dawes Act may have been written in order to keep the Indians safe and thriving, but it was doomed to fail. In the past, multiple treaties and acts have been proposed and passed with what seems to be in the native’s best interest but all have been forsaken and rewritten with less offered time and time again. Lands that were given to the Natives were often not the easiest to tame, nor were they the best to attempt a decent living on. Often times the Indians would even have their land weaseled away. In the end, the Dawes Act was a land-grabbing attempt, and a very successful one at

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