Persuasive Essay On Sex Education

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I find that there are many laws and regulations regarding sex education that inhibit children from being exposed to sexuality. I believe the idea of shielding children from sexuality is not based on evidence. There are several studies on how children are affected through early introduction. Unfortunately, practically all of those findings focus on situations dealing with abuse, this makes it difficult to make assumptions about different situations. I 'd like to argue that shielding children of any age is actually harmful. It perpetuates the shame of sexuality being an inappropriate and unspoken topic. In my opinion, it takes away from young children the ability to discuss sexual topics. I think parents, educators, and others should allow young children to become aware of sexuality. Instead of enabling browser filters on computers, we should treat sexuality the same way we treat action and violence. Maybe children should be allowed to guide their own growth, and help them deal with it, where necessary. I feel with more liberty, additional direction will be needed.
I believe that a lot of our society 's conceptions around sex are very strict in moral or religious matters, …show more content…

With the correct approach, sex education can be very valuable. Like in school, mathematics is not taught by directing students to online computing engines like wolfram alpha, and other subjects are not taught by sending students to online encyclopedias. Even though these are helpful, I feel proper education does not just involve complete expose to a topic. Like in our class, particular examples are used to demonstrate significant ideas and then are later deliberated. So, I do not think children will absorb essential information about sex if granted free rein to sexual content on the internet. Like when I was younger, I chose the more exciting and available content, which was not very

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