Latter-Day Libertarianism

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Latter-day Libertarianism

In the LDS church selflessness and generosity are advocated over the pulpit and throughout the scriptures. We learn what the ideal society looks like -- no poverty, no classes, just people living in harmony with each other and God. It sounds beautiful and the spirit inspires us to emulate it. Furthermore we learn that certain things are wrong in the sight of the Lord – homosexual acts, addiction, gambling, etcetera, and that such things are to be avoided. Conversely, libertarianism promotes a government that does not require its constituents to provide aide to the destitute. Furthermore, the ideal libertarian government does not enforce morality. The only ethical enforcement provided within its framework is the protection of individual liberty and all that that entails. On the surface, these two ideologies, one religious and one political, may seem like polar opposites. In my mind, however, they walk hand-in-hand.

To clarify, I am not purporting that libertarianism is the only political theory justifiable through the teachings of the church. I am sure that LDS intellectuals in various parties could argue that the gospel best supports their political perspectives, and that they could do so convincingly. I mean to only propose reasons why libertarianism is compatible with the gospel. I do so to foster open-mindedness towards libertarianism among church members; and at the very least, to promote a more accepting attitude towards libertarian members. If I help a few members realize their own libertarianism in the process, I will be thrilled. Converting everyone to libertarianism, however, is not my goal.

If we are to discuss libertarianism, first we must establish what it is. It is complex and encompass...

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McKay, David O. "Peace the Message of the Church -David O. Mckay - Latter-day Conservative." Latter-day Conservative - LDS Prophets, America, Freedom, Liberty, Constitution, Mormon Politics. LDS Freedom Network, October 1938. Web. 11 May 2012. .

Packer, Boyd K. "Teach Them Correct Principles - general-conference." The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 1990. Web. 11 May 2012.


Reeve, Chris. "Open Letter to Mormons Regarding Ron Paul, Part II: The Book of Mormon Has a Dim View of Taxation by Chris Reeves.", 12 December 2007. Web. 11 May 2012. .

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