Summary Of Chapter 11 From Language Exploration And Awareness

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Chapter eleven from Language Exploration and Awareness, written by Larry Andrews, puts a perspective on the amount of children that are in the United States who at one point did not speak English. The numbers have produced and are still developing today. For me, the issue of non-English speakers in a classroom is interesting because I come from a small town where everyone’s culture and language is essentially the same. Therefore, while reading this chapter, I asked myself the question, what would I do if I had some students who did not speak English in my classroom, just as Andrews ask this question in chapter eleven.
The first thing I would do is educate myself on the culture and ethnicity of the students who do not speak English. Educating myself will help me relate to the students and use the knowledge I gained to help the students learn. Also, I think it’s a good idea to educate the students that do speak English about the background knowledge of the non-speaking students to prevent culture shock, and to help students become more accepting of non-English speaking students. A good way to educate the students is to teach them hello in the native language of the students that do not speak English. Therefore, the students can properly greet the ELL students and make them feel welcome. In addition, we need to teach the ELL learners …show more content…

If the students do not understand the language, then it 's very hard for them to do the assignments that an English speaking student would have. An example of an alternative assignment would be if a teacher gives an assignment for the class to write definition from a book, instead of having the ELL students write definitions, have them look up the word in their native language, so they know what the word is. I believe the key to being effective when helping LLE students learn is to move gradually at a pace that works for the

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