Literary Analysis Of The Lake Isle Of Innesfree

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The poem “The Lake Isle of Innesfree” by William Bulter Yeats can be defined in so many ways. However, the theme of the poem is ‘I desire an ideal place where I will find peace and happiness.’ The theme of peace in nature is shown vividly throughout the poem. To describe this theme, Yeats uses rhyme, tone, imagery, alliteration and metaphor to illustrate his desire of leaving the dismal city and finding peace in nature.
The rhyme scheme of “The Lake Isle of Innesfree” creates a sense of harmony. In each stanza of the poem, the last word in the first and third sentences rhyme, while the same is done for the last words in the second and fourth sentences. For example, in the first stanza of the poem, Innesfree rhymes with bee and made rhymes with glade. In stanza two he continues this the rhyme with slow in line one rhyming with glow in line three, and sings rhymes with wings in lines two and four. Yeats use of rhyme in the poem reflects the peace and serenity that he seeks out in his “happy place – Isle of Innesfree.”
Another concept used when …show more content…

In this poem, the poet uses metaphor to compare two or more things without the use of the words ‘like’ or ‘as.’ For example, when talking about the evening, he says “peace comes dropping slow” and “dropping from the veils of morning.” Another metaphor used is “midnight’s all a glimmer” which is also used to describe the peace he has found in the evening. Yeats use of metaphor sticks to the theme of peace and nature shown throughout this poem.
The final element that Yeats uses to express the theme of this poem is his use of alliteration. Line ten of the poem says “I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore” is where alliteration comes in to express the natural sounds of nature that can be found on the Lake Isle of Innesfree. The sound of water lapping on the shore lets the readers hear what makes the poet feel at peace while on the

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