The Knife: A Short Story

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Revenge. Desire. Death. These first three words entered into me the instant the man grabbed me inside his pocket. His thumb rubbed against my ornately designed handle. His body felt tense as he crept forward. Although I had no eyes I could sense we were in a large building. The man, a thief, slowly pulled me out of his pocket as he entered a dimly lit, but largely furnished room. I felt excited and nervous, the man’s energy pouring into me. The only other person in the room was a richly dressed man who loafed on a red velvet couch. The man gripped me tighter, began a conversation with the rich man, and then arguing. Finally the thief lunged at the man and thrust my sharp blade into his chest, while he screamed in agony. Scared, the robber flew out of the house, and left me in the room. Soon the authorities arrived. They inspected, poked, and snooped, and filed me into an evidence bag. It was constricting, uncomfortable, and confining. The police continued to search the building while they drove me away to a lab. During the night I detected someone in the room, rustling around. The noise became louder and louder, and eventually it was right next to me. Annoyingly, the plastic obstructed my senses, so I couldn’t identify the person. Then my bag was unfastened. It was my owner! The thief. He slipped me out of the bag and exited the lab through a window. It was dark and murky outside; I felt the chilly air rush on me as my owner rushed away from the building. I was once again filled with excitement. What would my owner accomplish next? I hoped it would be something just as thrilling. The man slowed down as we reached the edge of a cliff heading off into the sea. There was no one else around but us. What was my owner planning? He... ... middle of paper ... ...ged him. The thief saw me on the ground, and grabbed me, standing defensively. The thief lunged at my owner and they wrestled on the ground. My owner’s wife and daughters crowded in a corner, watching with horror. The thief lashed at my owner’s throat, but he grabbed the thief’s hand right before I cut him. I desperately tried to go the other direction, I screamed in my body with all my might. Then, I felt the thief’s strength slackening, my owner’s becoming stronger. And suddenly my blade swerved the other direction and stabbed the man in the belly. My owner’s family rushed over, hugged him, and cried. Two men rushed in, alerted by the noise. They helped lift the body of the thief and carried him outside. My master came back and picked me up, wiped the blood of my blade, then placed me back on the table. He patted my handle and whispered, “Thank you my friend.”

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