Keeping A Secret: The Importance Of Keeping A Secret

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Davon Thompson
“Keeping A Secret” Keeping a secret can be both delightful and also a burden, secrets are something that I think every human being has had or have, but trying to maintaining them can sometimes be very difficult. Things you have to take into consideration are can you really trust that individual, do you know any personally information about them, and have you told them any other important information in the past? When telling an individual a secret it is important to know the seriousness before you decide to tell anybody. I also think it is important to give them your undivided attention while disclosing the information and make sure to speak up and say things loud and clear so information is misinterpreted. Making sure the person is prepared to listen is also very important and taking into consideration is it something that they can handle. Thinking about the benefits of telling a secret is also very important. Telling someone may give them the opportunity to help you or even better situation. Keeping and telling secrets can be a key factor to making or breaking a friendship and can also lay the …show more content…

After relating the information to my friend, she asked was there anything that she could do to possible help, but I told her it was best that I choose to do all of this by myself and I simply have no other choice. After about a week the subject was brought up again and we discussed what was going on without going into too detail. My friend asked one more time could she possible help in any way and my secret was safe with her as long as things didn’t get out of control and I was still making sure I got to class on time and got all of my work turned

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