Karl Marx's Communism

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Karl Marx was born in Trier, Germany in 1818 to a Hirschel and Henrietta Marx. Due to much anti-Semitism, Hirschel changed his name to Heinrich and left his Jewish faith to become Protestant. Later on, while Marx attended Bonn University to study Law, he mainly socialized and increased his debts. When Heinrich found out about Marx’s debt, he agreed to pay off his debt on the condition that he transfers to Berlin University. After Marx transferred to Berlin University he became serious and dedicated to working hard on his studies. A lecturer known as Brüno Bauer, a strong atheist whose radical political ideas made him a well-known figure with the police. Bauer first introduced Marx to G.W.F. Hegel, a well-known author and philosopher at the University of Berlin. Marx inevitably became infatuated with Hegel’s theories thus, becoming radically political. After Heinrich passed, Marx had to become independent and earn his own living by becoming a university lecturer. When Marx finished his doctoral thesis at the University of Jena, he hoped Brüno Bauer would be able to aid him in obtaining a teaching post; however, Bauer was dismissed in 1842 for being an outspoken atheist and couldn’t help Marx.

When Marx tried journalism, many editors didn’t want to employ or publish his work due to his radical political views. After moving to Cologne, Marx took part in a group called the Cologne Circle, which had its own newspaper, The Rhenish Gazette. After the newspaper published Marx’s article on him defending the freedom of the press, Marx was appointed editor of the newspaper in the fall of 1842. Later on, Marx met a man by the name of Moses Hess, a socialist who had his own socialist meetings. Marx decided to attend the socialist meetings ...

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... Communism. I think the only way for a nation or country to work is by mixing different economies at different levels, but more so in a balanced sense and the outcome is a nation that works even though it’s not an ‘absolute’ economical function.

Works Cited

Karl Marx. (2011). Biography.com. Retrieved 09:20, Aug 23 2011 from http://www.biography.com/articles/Karl-Marx-9401219

Kreis, Steven. (2003). Historyguide.com. Retrieved 09:14, Aug 23 2011 from


Marx, Karl. (2009). Capital, a critique of political economy; the process of capitalist production. Berlin: General Books.

Marx, Karl, Engels, Friedrich, & , . (1999). The Communist Manifesto: with related documents. Berlin: Bedford and St. Martins.

Spargo, John. (2003). Karl Marx: his life and work. New York City:

University of Press of the Pacific.

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