Kantian Ethics

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In society, morality is defined as the beliefs and ideas of what is right or wrong behaviour. (Can you cite a dictionary?) The teachings of morality also known as moral education is heavily dependent on individuals that have a major impact on one`s life. The teachings usually start from a young age through parents, caregivers and educators in society. Due to their influence on young children`s lives it is their responsibility to make certain that young children will learn to make logical decisions that would contribute in a positive way in society. An ethical theory that would best describe people that influence young children would be Kantian`s ethics. His ethical theory elucidates that morality is when we act based on duty for duty`s sake not for self-interest. For this reason in order to respect the law, a sense of duty to one`s actions is necessary (Kant, 287). Based on this analysis, young children would need Kant`s outlook on morality in order to be sufficient in society. In this paper, I will argue that we as moral agents have a sense of duty to educate young children on how they should act by allowing them to reason and make rational decisions in society. In order to do this, educators which includes parents and caregivers, must teach young children the true purpose of good will based on Kantian ethics. Secondly, educators must instruct young children on how to implement policies, which Kant refers to as maxims, which are universal (Kant, 287). This concept is based on Kant`s principle of universal law. Lastly, based on Kant`s principle of humanity, children would be able to acknowledge that treating others as ends is preferred instead of as mere means. Both principles are a part of what Kant would call the Categorical im...

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... positive. Due to their positive expectations, educators should follow the Kantian ethical approach because it reminds young children on what is morally correct and how young children can use that distinction of what is morally right or wrong to reason and make rational decision that lead to a possible outcome in society.

In final analysis, the Kantian ethics criteria shows that we as moral agents are valuable beings and the outlines that through understanding the meaning of good will as well as the categorical imperative individuals would understand how to reason and construct rational decisions that will contribute to our society in a positive manner. Moreover, from Kant’s analysis educators would use this outline as a criterion when educating young children about morality and how our rational decisions towards maxims to create a society that is fair and just.

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