The Transformation Of Humanity In Gregor Kafka's The Metamorphosis

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The world lies on a thick plate of morality, love, sympathy, opinion, and vitality – all of which are contributions to what shapes humanity. Humanity overtime has strengthened in fluctuating wavelengths through infinite trials and tribulations. In ‘The Metamorphosis,’ the protagonist of the novel, Gregor Samsa, transforms into a vile, repulsive insect: a cockroach. This occurrence strikes a test for the Samsa household, playing a role on their behaviors and the meaning of “humanity” itself. Even before Gregor Samsa’s random transformation, Gregor was practically dehumanized by his family members. They did not see him as a family member but rather as a source of income. Each member seemed to have a scarce to almost zero amount of interest or …show more content…

Before the transformation, Gregor was a human form of nonchalant reclusiveness. It’s almost as if it was crucial for him to go through the conversion so he could become more emotionally aware despite the irony of him not even being human but a bug. For someone who has been human for about 20 years with absolutely no experience of being an insect, then suddenly become more humane as a creature is odd and outlandish. Gregor’s care for his family increases and begins to worry about their loss of financial and emotional security. He fears that what “if all the peace, the comfort, the contentment were to come to a horrible end?” Gregor’s attitude towards his transformation is hopelessly mundane: he does not question why he has been transformed into a cockroach. Significantly, he fails to find the horror and the absurdity in the situation. Right before his death, Gregor feels all kinds of warm and fuzzy feelings about his family members. Despite his pathetic condition, he seems more humane than the rest of the characters. In a way, Gregor’s transformation and all of the events after that day illustrates both the rewards and sacrifices of defying social convention and living the extraordinary

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