Essay On Juvenile Prison System

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The Juvenile Prison System in America One of the most debated topics in our country is that of the American prison system, and where juvenile justice fits into the equation. From that topic, there is one main question that arises; should someone who is under the age of 18 be placed in a formal prison system where they will pay for their poor choices as a child well into adulthood? Many people argue that placing juvenile offenders into a lock down facility like prison only hardens the young into a lifelong pattern of criminal behavior, not to mention the psychological damage done when sexual or physical abuse occurs. With this said, can placing juveniles in prison be beneficial to our nation’s future? The purpose of this paper is not to …show more content…

Upon release from prison, these youth will have a long road ahead of them, filled with many years of life’s trials and tribulations. Is society obligated to give these young people the skills, confidence, tools, and support to turn their lives around, or allow them to learn from the school of hard knocks? Any society who cares about the future of our world should care enough to give juvenile offenders another chance in life. Of all the criminals in prison, those most capable of accepting change in life after lockdown are those who are still young, impressionable, and have a chance to make a difference with their lives. It would behoove those involved in the lives of juvenile offenders to be sensitive to their fears and motivations after prison because no one deserves to fail the test of …show more content…

There are more poor children then ever and the violence laden media glorifies violent behavior,” reported Thomas Geraghty who has been a juvenile lawyer for many years. “Put such at-risk-children together with the availability of guns, and you have an explanation for the relatively few, but lethal, highly publicized, and tragic acts of young people.” (Geraghty, p.363). Geraghty goes on to suggest that placing children in jail is only placing a band-aid on a larger issue at hand. The bottom line is that the support systems that were once available to children at home no longer exist as prevalent as they once did. Education, community outlets, and alternatives to formal prison are all suggestions for getting our juvenile offenders out of a predestined life of failure. The threat of prison to a young person rarely means anything significant because they lack the maturity to understand the reality of prison, until it is too late. Removing these children from the environment that gave rise to their criminal activity is a key concept, but placing them into an even worse environment is not a logical solution. Finding out what creates a young juvenile delinquent, and then changing some of those factors is a better way to handle the growing epidemic in this country. To get to the issue at hand, children need to feel loved, needed, and appreciated; a small step to changing what can become the life of a juvenile

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